The harrowing events of October 28, 2020, cast a dark shadow over Kumba, a town nestled within Meme State, Ambazonia. On this fateful day, the tranquility of the community was shattered by a series of reprehensible acts perpetrated by the Cameroon occupant Forces, leaving devastation and despair in their wake.

The land of Kumba Meme, once a bastion of peace and tranquility, has become a battleground soaked in blood and tear,

Amidst the chaos and turmoil, ten individuals were forcibly abducted from their homes, their lives thrust into uncertainty by the merciless hand of oppression. Many others were left grievously injured, their bodies bearing the physical and emotional scars of a senseless assault on their dignity and humanity.

To compound the tragedy, four houses lay in ruins, consumed by flames fueled by the unchecked aggression of those sworn to protect them.

The toll exacted by this heinous violence extends far beyond the physical destruction wrought upon the landscape.

Women and children of kumba meme, once secure in the sanctity of their homes, now find themselves thrust into the unforgiving embrace of homelessness, their lives upended by forces beyond their control.

The land of Meme, once a bastion of peace and tranquility, has become a battleground soaked in blood and tears.

The people of Meme, weary from the ceaseless cycle of violence, cry out for justice and accountability, their voices rising in defiance against the darkness that threatens to engulf their homeland.

In their plea for recognition, they call upon the world to bear witness to the atrocities unfolding in Ambazonia.

They refuse to be silenced by fear or intimidation, determined to shine a light on the injustices that have plagued their communities for far too long.

As the flames of oppression continue to ravage their land, the people of Meme stand united in their resolve to reclaim their dignity and sovereignty.

As the flames of oppression continue to ravage their land, the people of Meme stand united in their resolve to reclaim their dignity and sovereignty.

They draw strength from their shared struggle, forging bonds of solidarity that transcend the boundaries of language and culture.

In the face of unspeakable adversity, they cling to the hope that their cries will not fall on deaf ears—that the world will heed their call for action and stand in solidarity with the oppressed. For in their steadfast determination lies the promise of a brighter tomorrow, where peace and justice reign supreme in the land they call home.

#Cameroon Occupation Forces Commit War Crime: Multiple Abductions in Kumba”