October 5, 2021, Mezam State, Northern Ambazonia, Cameroon Occupation Forces carried out yet another brutal and senseless attack on innocent and unarmed civilians. Eyewitnesses recounted that civilians were forcibly abducted, subjected to relentless torture, and ultimately murdered in cold blood by the occupying forces.
The violence did not stop at human lives; the occupation forces also set fire to homes and properties essential for the livelihoods of the affected communities. Farms, businesses, and sources of sustenance were deliberately destroyed, leaving survivors not only to grieve for their lost loved ones but also to struggle with the complete devastation of their means of survival.
This deliberate campaign of destruction reflects a broader strategy aimed at breaking the will of the people, forcing them into submission through terror and economic deprivation. The scorched-earth tactics employed against civilians, including the burning of homes and properties, highlight the cruel nature of the occupation and the systematic oppression faced by the people of Ambazonia.

These egregious acts constitute grave violations of international humanitarian law and are classified as war crimes under multiple legal frameworks. The Geneva Conventions of 1949, specifically the Fourth Geneva Convention, strictly prohibit violence against civilians, including murder, torture, and the destruction of civilian property.
Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions states that civilians and those not actively engaged in hostilities must be treated humanely and protected from violence, including inhumane treatment and execution without trial. The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) also classifies such acts as war crimes under Article 8, particularly the deliberate killing of civilians, the destruction of property without military necessity, and acts of torture.
Additionally, the burning of homes and destruction of livelihoods are violations of international Human Rights Law, including Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), which guarantees the right to an adequate standard of living, including access to food, shelter, and security. The Cameroon Occupation Forces’ actions in Mezam State further constitute crimes against humanity under Article 7 of the Rome Statute, as they involve systematic and widespread attacks against civilians as part of a broader policy of oppression. The use of such tactics not only violates international law but also demands urgent international intervention to bring the perpetrators to justice.
The global community must act swiftly to investigate these crimes, hold the responsible individuals accountable, and provide urgent humanitarian assistance to the affected populations. Only through accountability and justice can the suffering of the people of Ambazonia be acknowledged, and meaningful steps be taken to prevent further atrocities.