Mass Killing in Mbatu

The ongoing war 04 September 2024 in Ambazonia has once again reached a tragic milestone with the recent mass killing in Mbatu Village, Bamenda. three Civilians shot and Killed on the sport by Cameroon forces.this is violation of human rights and war crime.

The Victims: Innocent Lives Lost

The victims, who were riding a motorbike at the time, included a well-known vegetable vendor from Bamenda Food Market, identified as Mami Ndoh, were known within their community as peaceful individuals living simple lives.

Eyes Witnesses

Witnesses say the male victim, known as Pancho, was transporting the two women on his motorbike after a late-night stop at a local bar in Mbatu. The group had been returning from a funeral arrangement when they were ambushed by Cameroon Occupation Forces without a crime

They became victims in a brutal act of violence perpetrated by the Cameroon occupation forces, who have been engaged in a prolonged war against Ambazonia.

A Pattern of Violence

The mass killing in Mbatu Village Ambazonia. civilians often bearing the brunt of the violence. arbitrary arrests, and torture committed by Cameroon occupation forces

Calls for Justice and Accountability

The mass killing in Mbatu Village has reignited calls for justice and accountability. violence in Ambazonia.The massacre in Mbatu Village this are the human cost of the war in Ambazonia and the urgent need for a peaceful resolution.