“I started with 80 men,” the man whose men liberated Cuba declared. Another in the heart of Europe declared, “the great question of the day shall not be resolved by speeches but by the principle of blood and iron.” Lastly, Garibaldi, with 1000 redshirts, united Italy and retired as a farmer. On our part, we started in Dadi with less than 50 men. Then we became 100, 300, 500, and counting. In Bamenda, General Ivo led a two-man squad with a 9 round 9mm gun; meanwhile, Gen RK led a two-man task force and neutralized a target in Boyo with knives and walked away with two AKs. Today, there are thousands of fighters across the 13 states telling LRC who is the boss of Ambazonia. From relative obscurity to a majestic plain of visibility, the simple idea of the right to defend ourselves has become a major strategy in our effort to fight for existence and collective survival.
Enough bullets will break the camel’s back. No political theory we espouse, nor strategy we preach, or structure that we erect means anything if the Liberation Enforcement Officers cannot load their guns with enough bullets to defend the independence we proclaimed and safeguard the lives of the people for whom we fight.
This Land is our land. From the surging waves of Ambas Bay. From the rocks and hill of Buea. To the heights of Kilum mountain, it was made for you and me. Let us defend and preserve it.
Dr. Cho Ayaba
President, Ambazonia Governing Council
Leader of the Ambazonia War of Liberation