November 10, 2023, Mamfe, Manyu State, Southern Ambazonia: 20 Civilians Burned Alive, committed by French Cameroon military. In a heinous operation, 20 civilians were burned alive, and numerous homes were deliberately set ablaze. These actions constitute deliberate attempts to instill terror among the local population and represent blatant violations of International human rights and humanitarian norms.
Contravention of the Geneva Conventions

20 Civilians Burned Alive in Mamfe starkly contradict International Laws, particularly the Geneva Conventions. These conventions explicitly prohibit targeting civilians and employing methods of warfare intended to spread fear among non-combatants. By targeting unarmed individuals and destroying residential areas, the perpetrators violated fundamental principles designed to protect human dignity during wartime.
War Crimes and Disproportionate Use of Force
The deliberate burning of homes and execution of civilians align with the established definitions of war crimes under International Law. These acts underscore a disturbing pattern of disproportionate use of military force against vulnerable populations. Such operations further erode trust in the rule of law and highlight the urgent need to address systemic abuses by the French Cameroon military.
Urgent Call for International Action
The 20 Civilians Burned Alive in Mamfe demand immediate International attention to ensure justice for the victims and to hold perpetrators accountable. Upholding the principles of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) requires concerted global efforts to prevent such violations and to deliver justice. Accountability measures are essential not only to provide redress for those affected but also to deter future violations and reinforce the integrity of international legal frameworks.
The global community must act decisively to address these grave breaches of International Law and ensure that the perpetrators face justice.