On the 10th of January, 2020, amidst the somber landscape of Mautu Fako State in Ambazonia, a sympathetic witness recounts a harrowing tale of indiscriminate shooting and brutality.

#Abduction in Mautu Village, Ambazonia by the cameroon occupation forces

In the wake of this violent episode, nine individuals were forcibly abducted, while numerous others lay grievously wounded, among them women and children, all at the hands of the occupying forces from Cameroon.

Mautu village stands as a poignant microcosm, emblematic of the countless communities ravaged, lives lost, and individuals subjected to relentless harassment by the Cameroon occupation Forces.

Against the backdrop of Mautu Fako State, the unfolding events of that fateful day crystallize the pervasive atmosphere of fear and uncertainty that grips the region.

The tranquility of everyday life shattered by the deafening echoes of gunfire, the air thick with tension and despair as the forces of oppression descend upon the unsuspecting inhabitants.

Women and children, symbols of vulnerability and innocence, become unwitting targets in a conflict fueled by greed

In the cruel aftermath, the once serene village of Mautu lies in ruins, its streets bearing witness to the horrors unleashed by the relentless onslaught of violence.

As the sympathetic narrator recounts, the brutality inflicted upon Muautu and its residents stands as a stark reminder of the broader campaign of terror waged by the Cameroon occupation Forces across Ambazonia With callous disregard for human life, they leave a trail of devastation in their wake, sparing neither the innocent nor the defenseless.

Women and children, symbols of vulnerability and innocence, become unwitting targets in a conflict fueled by greed, power, and impunity. In the heart of Muautu village, amid the charred remnants of homes and livelihoods, the indomitable spirit of the Ambazonian people endures.

Through their resilience and courage, they defy the forces of oppression that seek to crush their aspirations and silence their voices. In their struggle for freedom and self-determination,

#Abduction in Ambazonia by the cameroon occupation forces