On April 26th, 2020, tragedy struck the peaceful community of Bafut, situated within Bamenda Mezam State in Ambazonia, as Mr.Awah Pius met a gruesome fate at the hands of the Cameroon occupation Forces. The harrowing incident, marked by unspeakable brutality, sent shockwaves through the region, leaving the inhabitants reeling in horror and disbelief.
Awah Pius, a member of the community, fell victim to a barbaric act of violence
Awah Pius, a member of the community, fell victim to a barbaric act of violence as he was mercilessly beheaded by the Cameroon Occupation Forces.
The brutality of his murder serves as a stark reminder of the inhumanity and cruelty that pervades the conflict-ridden landscape of Ambazonia.
His tragic death stands as a testament to the profound injustices endured by the people at the hands of those who seek to maintain their grip on power through fear and intimidation.
The heinous act perpetrated against Mr. Awah Pius sends a chilling message to the inhabitants of Bafut and beyond—a grim warning of the dangers that lurk in the shadows of occupation. It is a stark reminder of the vulnerability of the innocent in the face of unchecked aggression and oppression.
As the community mourns the loss of one of its own,
As the community mourns the loss of one of its own, the memory of Mr. Awah Pius serves as a rallying cry for justice and accountability.
His untimely demise underscores the urgent need for the international community to stand in solidarity with the people of Ambazonia and demand an end to the cycle of violence and impunity perpetuated by the Cameroon Occupation Forces.
In the face of unspeakable tragedy, the resilience of the Ambazonian people shines through, a testament to their unwavering spirit and determination to seek justice and freedom.
As they honor the memory of Mr. Awah Pius and all those who have fallen victim to oppression, they stand united in their quest for a future where peace, dignity, and human rights prevail for all. #Awah Pius Beheaded by Cameroon Occupation Forces in Ambazonia War Crime”