June 11, 2017, in Bafia, Fako State, Southern Ambazonia, Cameroonian Occupation Forces reportedly abducted and killed a very young and innocent girl in full view of her parents and the surrounding community. The child, whose life had barely begun, became the target of a heinous and senseless act of violence that left her family and neighbors devastated. Witnesses described the horrifying moment as the helpless parents and community members watched in anguish, powerless to intervene.
This cruel and deliberate act represents just one of the countless atrocities committed by the Cameroonian Forces, aimed at instilling fear and breaking the spirit of the local population. The killing of an innocent child in the presence of her loved ones underscores the unrelenting brutality of the occupation forces and their disregard for basic human decency and International Law.
The incident not only robbed a family of their beloved child but also left an indelible scar on the community, which continues to mourn the loss of its most vulnerable member. Children, who symbolize hope and the future, should be protected during times of conflict, yet this young girl became a victim of egregious violence.
The community, already living in constant fear, now faces heightened trauma and insecurity, as this act sent a chilling message that no one is safe, not even the most innocent. Such acts destroy trust, community cohesion, and the psychological well-being of survivors, leaving long-lasting effects on the social fabric.
The murder of a young girl in such circumstances serves as a stark reminder of the impunity with which these forces operate and the urgent need for justice and accountability to address the atrocities committed in Ambazonia.
This incident constitutes a War Crime under International Humanitarian Law (IHL), particularly violating Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, which prohibits violence to life and person, including murder, of those not taking part in hostilities.
The deliberate targeting and killing of a child, who is afforded special protections under international law, represent a grave breach of the principle of distinction, which requires parties to a conflict to differentiate between combatants and civilians.
Additionally, the act violates the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which emphasizes the protection of children from harm during armed conflicts. The intentional killing of a child in front of her parents also amounts to psychological torture for her family and the community. These actions demand urgent international condemnation and accountability.