Good evening Ambazonians.

This is the People’s Weekly Briefing. Today is Sunday March 7, 2021. My name is Akoson Raymond, the Spokesperson of the Ambazonia Governing Council. 

  1. The Ambazonia Governing Council took heed of a message of honor and delight by the newly designated British High Commissioner to Cameroon and non-resident Ambassador to Equatorial Guinea, Mr. Christian Dennys-McClure. One of Amb Dennys-McClure’s March 4th messages was written in pidgin to presumably address the People of Ambazonia whose current lingua franca is pidgin. The AGovC reminds Her Majesty’s Government that the United Kingdom of Great Britain has yet to dispatch an Ambassador to Ambazonia. Our official Ambazonian position remains that Ambassador Christian Dennys-McClure is British High Commissioner to the Republic of Cameroun, a country that gained its independence from France on January 1st 1960 and is therefore bound by several instruments of international law, one of which is art 4b of the Africa Union Constitutive Act to respect its boundaries as obtained at independence. The erstwhile British Southern Cameroons (now called Ambazonia) gained its independence on October 1, 1961 from Great Britain. In flagrant violation of international law, Cameroon marched an army of occupation into the Ambazonia in 1961 and has been in colonial occupation of Ambazonia to this day. In 2016, the people of Ambazonia rose in peaceful nationwide protest to challenge Cameroon’s claim of ownership over the territory of Ambazonia. But Cameroon’s cold-hearted dictator Paul Biya would turm the peaceful resistance into violence by declaring  war on Ambazonia, a war that continues to leave scars of horrible human rights violations including inter alia crimes of genocide, forced return of refugees, forced labor, extrajudicial killings, ethnic cleansing, enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests, incommunicado detention, systematic torture, and deaths in custody. The Ambazonia Governing Council invoked the rights of the people of Ambazonia to self-defence and self-determination. The rest is history and the war rages on… Whatever the case, the Ambazonia Governing Council reminds the United Kingdom to be cautious on how they view the territory rationae loci of Cameroon. We wish Mr. High Commissioner success as he discharges his duties as High Commissioner designate of the United Kingdom of Great Britain to the Republic of Cameroon – that is, La Republique du Cameroun – if only for emphasis.
  2. Still on a diplomatic note: the Amazonia Governing Council takes cognizant of the slate of heightened calls from the German, French, British and Canadian lawmakers calling for an urgent address of the root causes of the Ambazonia Liberation War. While we continue to thank these countries including the United States for their interest in seeing a resolution of the conflict, it is never superfluous, on the part of the governing council to remind the world community that the constant verbal condemnation with no concrete action is the same thing as babysitting the Etoudi tyrant. We call upon the world community to give the situation in Ambazonia the response it deserves by favorably considering the AGovC’s request for invocation of the Responsibility to protect the People of Ambazonia. The urgency is compelling: 
  • Cameroon continues its stubborn diabolic crusade of exterminating Ambazonians; 
  • Genocide Watch recognizes the alarming genocidal situation in Ambazonia by Cameroon with the following allocations:  Stage 9: Extermination, and Stage 10: Denial. 

Meanwhile, the Ambazonia Governing Council reiterates its position of readiness for a multilaterally led and internationally facilitated negotiation-process of the Ambazonia Liberation War. Such negotiations should take place in a neutral venue mediated by a credible international institution with guarantees for the implementation of the outcome. Until such a time when the international community fills up the leadership void of invoking the responsibility to protect the Ambazonian people, we shall continue to resist the occupation, arm our people, and maximize for them, the opportunity to defend themselves until complete and unconditional freedom is achieved.

  1. In Defense Matters, less than four days after the killing of the ADF Major General Hassan of Kumbo, the Ambazonia Defense Forces have launched series of retaliatory strike actions targeting enemy forces operating within multiple locations in the Savannah States of Ambazonia. On March 3, 2021, a Special Unit of the Alabukam Brigade of ADF Mezam took out five Cameroon colonial occupation forces. On March 7, 2021, the same Alabukam Brigade exploded a French Cameroon armored car and launched long range Rocket Propelled Grenade on another in Mezam. The intelligence of the ADF puts Cameroon casualties at 7 dead.

Still in defense, the Supreme Commander of the Ambazonia Defense Forces, General Effang in a March 7th live broadcast over the ACN TV called on Pro-Ambazonian independence fighters for broader cooperation as we enter the second phase of the national stabilization force. At this point, the AGovC reminds Ambazonians that the recent rise in tone of varied voices on the international scene is largely due to continued resistance by our forces. Consequently, to continue to undermine Cameroon’s ability to govern Ambazonia, get their colonial forces more confused and more prone to mistakes, quicken international action to redeem Cameroon from implosion, Ambazonians must double defense funding, multiply the number of well trained fighters on every Ambazonian neighborhood, arm them to the teeth and extend our stabilization circumference. As the AGovC gears towards launching Phase Two of the stabilization campaign, the Leader of the Ambazonia Liberation War, Dr. Cho Lucas Ayaba, will be reaching out, on one-on-one basis, to well meaning Ambazonians. We ask the general public to please, recommend Ambazonians willing to contribute generously to the efforts of the AGovC and ADF. Please, contact on whatsapp +1 614 377 0445 with your recommendations. The AGovC respects the confidentiality of donors. Meanwhile, we encourage the public to continue committing at Thank you.

  1. And finally, civil matters.

The Leadership of the Ambazonia Governing Council has registered the disgust and dissatisfaction of the people of Mankon against the current Fon on unfair land sale practices in Mankon. While the AGovC is still currently studying this issue and other land related matters, we cease this opportunity to inform the national and international opinion that Ambazonian sovereignty includes its land, territorial sea, its beds and subsoils and the airspace above its land and sea territories. And that any trade of any portion of the Ambazonian territory would be revisited in ways that serves the interest of the People of Ambazonia.