The Ambazonia Governing Council unearths a kidnapping-for-ransom syndicate run by several small cells of the a number of terrorist group, Militaire Camerounaise including Securite Militaire (SEMIL), Bataillon d’Intervention Rapide (BIR), Gendarmerie Nationale, Délégation Générale de la Sûreté Nationale, and other military units.
Kidnapping-for-Ransom Syndicate
The AGovC Intelligence has determined that these cells are 236 in total spanning across 59 Ambazonians Chief towns. These state-sponsored terrorist groups extort roughly 650,000 FCFA (about 1,300 US
Dollars) monthly from each cell. This amounts to nearly 1,840,800,000 FCFA (equivalent to 3 million US dollars) annually.
The AGovC calls on the International Community to immediately place economic sanctions on Cameroun and further investigate these crimes. AGovC HHS