The Ambazonia Governing Council unearths a kidnapping-for-ransom syndicate run by several small cells of the a number of terrorist group, Militaire Camerounaise including  Securite Militaire (SEMIL), Bataillon d’Intervention Rapide (BIR), Gendarmerie Nationale, Délégation Générale de la Sûreté Nationale, and other military units.

The AGovC Intelligence has determined that these cells are 236 in total spanning across 59 Ambazonians Chief towns.  These state-sponsored terrorist groups extort roughly 650,000 FCFA (about 1,300 US

Dollars) monthly from each cell. This amounts to nearly 1,840,800,000 FCFA (equivalent to 3 million US dollars) annually.

The AGovC calls on the International Community to immediately place economic sanctions on Cameroun and further investigate these crimes. AGovC HHS