October 2, 2022, Guzang, Momo State, Northern Ambazonia :A woman was shot dead by Cameroon Occupational Forces.in Guzang. Eyewitnesses says that the Cameroon Occupational Forces broke into her home and shot her at close range shortly after she had finished taking her bath. This shocking incident is part of a disturbing and ongoing pattern of violence in which Cameroon’s military has been abducting, targeting, and killing innocent civilians in the Ambazonia.
The circumstances surrounding the woman’s death underscore the disproportionate use of force. The blatant disregard for human life demonstrated by the Cameroon Military Forces. Breaking into a civilian’s home and executing her without justification reveals a deliberate act of aggression against non-combatants. Such actions not only instill fear in local communities .It also demonstrate a consistent violation of Human Rights and International Standards governing armed war.
Under International Law (IL), a woman shot dead who are not participating in hostilities constitutes a serious violation. Specifically, the principles of distinction and proportionality. It also outlined in the Geneva Conventions, prohibit targeting non-combatants during armed war. The principle of distinction requires all warring parties to differentiate between military targets and civilians. While proportionality ensures that no excessive force is used that would result in unnecessary harm to civilians. In this case, the Cameroon Military Forces blatantly ignored these legal principles. Which is making the killing in Guzang a clear War Crime.
The Geneva Conventions and customary International Law explicitly protect civilians during times of war. Deliberate attacks against unarmed individuals, such as the woman in Guzang, are not only unlawful but morally reprehensible. Such actions further erode trust in the state’s military forces and exacerbate existing tensions in Ambazonia. For communities already traumatized by the ongoing war, this incident serves as a grim reminder of their vulnerability and the unchecked power of the military.
This incident in Guzang is a similar acts of violence, including abductions, extrajudicial killings, and destruction of property, have become disturbingly common in Ambazonia. Cameroon Military Forces have using excessive and indiscriminate force against civilians suspected of supporting Ambazonian Fighters movements. However, these actions often lack credible evidence and instead result in the tragic loss of innocent lives.
A woman shot dead in Guzang has drawn condemnation from Human Rights Advocates. Which stress the urgent need for accountability and justice. Independent investigations into such incidents are essential to uncover the truth, ensure justice for victims, and prevent future atrocities. Without accountability, Cameroon’s military will continue to operate with impunity, perpetuating a cycle of violence and deepening the suffering of local populations.
The International Community also bears a responsibility to act. Governments, organizations, and global institutions must hold Cameroon Occupational Forces accountable for its violations of International Humanitarian Law. Pressure must be applied to ensure that the rights of civilians are protected. And the perpetrators of War Crimes are brought to justice. The failure to address these crimes not only emboldens the perpetrators .But also undermines the principles of justice and humanity that underpin international law.
For the people of Guzang and the broader Ambazonian community, incidents like this represent an ongoing tragedy. Families are torn apart, communities are destabilized. While innocent lives are lost in a war that shows no regard for Human Rights. The shooting of the woman in Guzang must not be forgotten. It is a stark reminder of the urgent need for justice, accountability, and an end to the targeting of civilians in Ambazonia.
In conclusion, the killing of the woman in Guzang by Cameroon Military Forces constitutes a clear violation of International Law. Its highlights a broader pattern of violence against civilians. Such unlawful and inhumane acts demand immediate accountability and action from both local authorities and the international community. Only through justice and the enforcement of International Humanitarian Laws can the suffering of innocent civilians be alleviated and the principles of Human Rights upheld.