April 30 2017, Muyuka, Fako State Southern Ambazonia, a tragic brutality unfolded, adding another name to the long list of victims of Cameroon’s invaded forces. An unnamed civilian fell victim to a stray bullet fired by the Cameroon-invaded forces, succumbing to his wounds in the hospital. This brutality stands as a stark reminder of the continuous genocide perpetrated against the people of Ambazonia.
Muyuka, Fako State Southern Ambazonia, has been plagued by war for years. The struggle for independence have cause more brutality by Cameroon’s invaded force has led to violence and bloodshed, with innocent civilians bearing the brunt of the brutality.
The international community has largely remained silent on the atrocities committed in Ambazonia. Despite calls for intervention and justice, the suffering of the Ambazonian people continues unabated. The cries for freedom and autonomy are met with violence and oppression from Cameroon’s invaded forces.
The actions of the Cameroonian occupation forces Muyuka, Fako State Southern Ambazonia, on April 30th 2017, constitute War Crimes under International Law. The case of the unnamed civilian serves as a poignant example of the indiscriminate nature of the brutality in Ambazonia by cameroon invaded force. Innocent men, women, and children are caught in the crossfire, their lives shattered by the ongoing war.
It is imperative that the international community takes decisive action to address the war in Ambazonia. The people of Ambazonia deserve the right to self-determination and freedom from persecution. Justice must be served for the victims of Cameroon’s invaded forces, and the atrocities must be held accountable for their actions.
As the world watches in silence, the people of Ambazonia continue to suffer. It is time for the international community to stand in solidarity with the oppressed and demand an end to the genocide in Ambazonia.