December 18, 2018, Oku, Bui State, Northern Ambazonia: Cameroon Occupation Forces abducted, tortured, and killed five innocent and unarmed civilians, including women and children, they also burned houses and property, that leaved many residents homeless in Bui State. Eyewitnesses recounted the horrifying events that unfolded in the heart of the afternoon, as flames engulfed homes and properties, casting a pall of smoke and ash over the once serene landscape.

This event is a clear War Crime under International Law, specifically violating Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which defines War Crimes as serious violations of international humanitarian law. Acts such as “willful killing,” “torture,” and the “extensive destruction of property not justified by military necessity” are strictly prohibited under the statute. The abduction, torture, and killing of unarmed civilians demonstrate deliberate targeting of non-combatants, which is a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention (Article 3). This convention explicitly protects civilians during times of conflict, prohibiting murder, torture, cruel treatment, and the destruction of civilian property.
The burning of houses and property constitutes an indiscriminate attack, violating the principle of distinction enshrined in Additional Protocol II of the Geneva Conventions. Warring parties are required to distinguish between civilians and combatants, ensuring that civilians and their property are not targeted. The deliberate destruction of homes, which rendered families homeless, also violates Article 53 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which forbids the destruction of property belonging to civilians unless absolutely necessary for military operations. Such actions further highlight the use of collective punishment, a tactic outlawed under international law.
The atrocities committed in Oku, including the torture and killing of innocent civilians, reflect a blatant disregard for human life and dignity. These acts qualify as both war crimes and violations of fundamental human rights, demanding international condemnation and justice. The Cameroon Occupation Forces’ actions not only destabilized the community but also inflicted long-lasting trauma and suffering on innocent civilians. Accountability for such heinous crimes is essential to uphold international law and protect vulnerable populations from further atrocities. Justice must prevail to ensure the victims’ voices are heard and to prevent future violations of humanitarian law.