April 26, 2017, Bambui, Mezam State, Northern Ambazonia, Cameroonian Occupation Forces carried out a horrific operation during which innocent and unarmed civilians were abducted, tortured, and killed in full view of their community and families.
The victims, who had no connection to any Militant activity, were publicly labeled as terrorists to justify the violence inflicted upon them. Witnesses described the harrowing scene as soldiers stormed into the village, forcibly dragging civilians from their homes and subjecting them to physical and psychological abuse.
The torture inflicted was brutal and dehumanizing, with the perpetrators demonstrating a blatant disregard for the sanctity of life and the suffering of those targeted. Ultimately, the victims were executed in front of their loved ones, leaving the community traumatized and grieving. This calculated display of violence aimed to intimidate and subjugate the population, reinforcing an atmosphere of fear and oppression.
The public nature of the killings compounded the trauma experienced by the victims’ families and the wider community. By carrying out these acts in front of witnesses, the Occupation Forces sent a chilling message of dominance and impunity, further eroding the sense of security among the people of Bambui.
This atrocity not only claimed innocent lives but also left a lasting psychological impact on survivors, many of whom continue to bear the scars of witnessing such brutal acts. The targeting of unarmed civilians, coupled with the use of false accusations to justify their execution, highlights the systematic and deliberate nature of the violence employed by the Occupation Forces. The community’s loss is immeasurable, as families mourn loved ones who were taken from them under false pretenses and with unprovoked cruelty.
The actions of the Cameroonian occupation forces in Bambui on April 26, 2017, constitute War Crimes under International Law. These acts violate Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, which prohibits violence against persons not actively participating in hostilities, including murder, torture, and cruel treatment.
The public execution of civilians breaches the principle of distinction, which requires parties to a conflict to differentiate between combatants and non-combatants, affording the latter protection. The arbitrary labeling of the victims as terrorists to justify their killings further violates the prohibition against extrajudicial executions. Additionally, the psychological terror inflicted on the community amounts to inhumane treatment under International Human Rights Law. These crimes demand urgent accountability and justice to uphold the rule of law and the dignity of the victims.