In the heart of Muyuka, Fako State in Ambazonia, the events of September 24, 2023, etched a grim narrative of oppression and injustice upon the collective consciousness of its inhabitants, as the tranquility of the day gave way to a…
In the heart of Muyuka, Fako State in Ambazonia, the events of September 24, 2023, etched a grim narrative of oppression and injustice upon the collective consciousness of its inhabitants, as the tranquility of the day gave way to a…
In the somber light of Sunday, September 10, 2023, at the break of dawn, approximately 7:30 am, the bustling streets of Bamenda, Mezam State in Ambazonia, bore witness to a harrowing spectacle, as a sinister tableau unfolded before the eyes…
On the pivotal date of September 7th, 2023, within the serene confines of Buea, Fako State, Capital of Ambazonia, the tranquility of the town was violently shattered as the staccato rhythm of gunfire reverberated through its streets, heralding the onset…
In the chilling dawn of September 6th, 2023 Manfe Village Manyu state in Ambazonia, was shattered by the grim specter of the Manfe Massacre, an atrocity that etched itself into the annals of history, claiming the lives of over 30…
On the fateful morning of September 4th, 2023, of Mile 1, Kumba, Meme State of Ambazonia, a poignant episode unfolded, casting a somber shadow over the community, as a young, promising soul by the name of Ajeck Hilda found herself…
In the somber dawn of July 15, 2023, the tranquil of Abangoh, village Bamenda in Mezam State, Ambazonia, bore witness to an unfathomable tragedy as the heavy hand of Cameroon Occupation Forces descended upon its unsuspecting inhabitants, leaving in its…
In the harrowing events that unfolded on July 14, 2023, within the confines of Ekona village nestled in the heart of Fako State, Muyuka, the tranquility of the day was shattered by the thunderous onslaught of a dreadful military attack…
On June 7th, 2023, within the confines of Kumba town situated in Meme State, Ambazonia, a region fraught with political turmoil and conflict, 2 individuals whose identities remained shrouded in anonymity were forcibly seized in a brazen act of abduction,…
On June 24, 2023, a profound and unsettling series of images surfaced, vividly depicting the cruel and systematic abduction of numerous youths, among them individuals identified as Batran, Samba, and a host of others, perpetrated by the relentless and oppressive…
On June 24, 2023, a dark chapter unfolded in the serene village of Ekona, nestled within the picturesque landscapes of Fako State in Ambazonia, as the Cameroon’s Occupant Forces unleashed a vicious assault against the unsuspecting Ambazonia community residing in…