On February 14, 2020, the tranquil village of Ngabuh in Bamenda, Mezam State of Ambazonia, bore witness to a grievous atrocity as hundreds of innocent children were ruthlessly abducted by the heartless cameroon occupation forces

In the tender embrace of childhood innocence, these vulnerable souls found themselves thrust into the merciless grip of oppression and brutality,

In the tender embrace of childhood innocence, these vulnerable souls found themselves thrust into the merciless grip of oppression and brutality, their only crime being the misfortune of existence in a land plagued by conflict and strife.

The egregious actions of the cameroon occupation forces stand as a damning indictment of their callous disregard for the sanctity of human life, particularly that of the most defenseless among us.

In a world where children are cherished as the embodiment of hope and promise, their innocence should be shielded from the ravages of violence and conflict, yet tragically, they have become pawns in a game of power and domination.

What fault lies in the hearts of these innocent children, whose only desire is to laugh, play, and dream like children everywhere?

Their cries echo across the landscape of Ambazonia, a poignant reminder of the profound injustice that stains the fabric of our humanity.

As we bear witness to their suffering,(children) let us not turn a blind eye to the plight of these innocent souls

As we bear witness to their suffering, let us not turn a blind eye to the plight of these innocent souls. Let us stand in solidarity with the children of Ngabuh and all those who endure the scourge of oppression, and let us pledge ourselves to the pursuit of a world where the rights and dignity of every child are upheld and protected, where the innocence of childhood is preserved, and where love and compassion triumph over cruelty and indifference.

#The Abduction of innocent Children by the cameroon occupation forces in Mezam Bamenda