However, in a grave act of oppression, the CAMEROON OCCUPATION FORCES, with the assistance of local collaborators, falsely accused him of fabricated charges. His illegal detention led to severe torture in an undisclosed location, where he was deprived of food and water for days. His eventual release came only after the payment of a ransom equivalent to 40 dollars.

War Crimes Under International Humanitarian Law
The abduction and execution of Abia Frankline constitute a War Crime under International Humanitarian Law. Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions explicitly prohibits violence against civilians, including cruel treatment, torture, and taking of hostages. The CAMEROON OCCUPATION FORCES‘ actions against Frankline were clear violations of these fundamental protections. By targeting a humanitarian volunteer, they not only inflicted immense personal suffering but also sought to discourage humanitarian efforts within Ambazonia.

Violation of International Laws and Human Rights
The prolonged torture and extortion involved in the execution of Abia Frankline represent severe breaches of International Laws. Article 8 of the Rome Statute classifies unlawful detention, torture, and extortion as war crimes when committed against civilians during armed conflicts. The CAMEROON OCCUPATION FORCES demonstrated a deliberate effort to suppress humanitarian aid by persecuting individuals like Frankline, violating the legal protections afforded to civilians and aid workers.

State-Sanctioned Oppression and Intimidation
The execution of Abia Frankline underscores a systematic campaign of terror by the CAMEROON OCCUPATION FORCES to silence humanitarian workers. His abduction, torture, and eventual murder highlight the impunity with which these forces operate, using unlawful detention and ransom demands as tools of repression.

The Urgent Call for Justice
The International community must not ignore the execution of Abia Franklinet Ambazonians. Immediate intervention to hold the CAMEROON OCCUPATION FORCES accountable under International Laws and ensure justice for victims of state-sponsored atrocities.