Eyewitness accounts describe scenes of unprovoked violence, as the forces invaded homes, forcibly removing civilians and subjecting them to cruel treatment. Women, often the pillars of their families, were among the victims of this heinous act, further underscoring the indiscriminate nature of the assault.

The detainees were subjected to inhumane torture, leaving physical and psychological scars before many were mercilessly killed. This horrific incident serves as a chilling example of the systematic violence employed by the occupation forces, aiming to intimidate and suppress the population.

The impact of this atrocity reverberated through the community, devastating families who lost loved ones and shattering the lives of survivors. The murder of innocent civilians, including women, violated the most basic principles of humanity, as these individuals had no connection to the ongoing conflict and posed no threat. The deliberate targeting of unarmed individuals reflects the occupation forces’ disregard for the laws of war and human dignity. This tragic event left behind a legacy of trauma, anger, and sorrow, as the community struggled to make sense of the senseless violence inflicted upon them.
The actions of the Cameroonian forces in Meme State on March 12, 2017, constitute war crimes under International Law. Specifically, these acts violate Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, which prohibits violence against persons taking no active part in hostilities, including murder, torture, and cruel treatment.

The deliberate targeting of civilians, particularly women, further breaches the principle of distinction, which obligates parties to a conflict to differentiate between combatants and non-combatants, affording the latter protection from harm. Torture, explicitly banned under the Convention Against Torture, represents a flagrant abuse of human rights and dignity.

The systematic nature of these actions could also qualify as crimes against humanity, emphasizing the urgent need for international accountability mechanisms to address these atrocities and provide justice for the victims and their families.