On February 21, 2020, in the heart of Bamenda Mankon, situated within the Mezam State of Ambazonia, yet another taxi driver fell victim to the ruthless tactics of the Cameroon Occupation Forces” In a brazen act of aggression, he was forcibly abducted right before the eyes of his helpless family, leaving behind a gaping void of fatherlessness and despair.
The cruel reality of their loss reverberates through the shattered fragments of their lives, as the wife, children, and other vulnerable family members
The cruel reality of their loss reverberates through the shattered fragments of their lives, as the wife, children, and other vulnerable family members grapple with the harrowing aftermath of his abduction.
This egregious display of violence and disregard for human rights in Mankon strikes at the very core of Ambazonia’s struggle for freedom and dignity.
How long must such senseless brutality persist in our beloved homeland? The cries of anguish and indignation resound across Ambazonia,
echoing the collective demand for an end to the tyranny and oppression that plague our communities.
As we confront the stark realities of our present circumstances, let us stand united in our resolve to defy the forces of injustice and tyranny.
The persistent cries in Mankon Ambazonia It is only through our collective determination and resilience that we can pave the way
May the memory of those who have been torn from their families fuel our unwavering commitment to justice and freedom for all in Ambazonia.
It is only through our collective determination and resilience that we can pave the way for a future where such atrocities are but distant memories,
and where the inherent dignity and rights of every Ambazonian are upheld and respected.
The persistent cries of Ambazonians reverberate through the corridors of oppression, pleading for the ears of the international community to listen and take heed.
From the lush valleys to the bustling towns, the voices of our people rise in unison, demanding justice, freedom, and recognition of our inherent rights. God blesses Ambazonia;
#Vanishing in Mankon: Abductions by Cameroon Occupation Forces”