In the quiet town of Muyuka, nestled in the heart of Ambazonia, a horrifying chapter unfolded on the ominous day of May 15th, 2017. What should have been a day like any other turned into a nightmare for the innocent, unarmed civilians who fell prey to the brutality of Cameroon occupation forces. With merciless intent, these forces abducted and callously roasted them, reminiscent of logs of wood in a merciless fire.

A Tale of Unspeakable Horror

The events of that fateful day in Muyuka shook the very foundation of humanity. Innocent civilians, going about their daily lives, were suddenly snatched away from their loved ones by forces meant to protect them. Stripped of their dignity and humanity, they were subjected to unspeakable atrocities that defy comprehension.

The Power of Silence: A Cry Unheard

In the aftermath of this heinous act, the silence that engulfed Muyuka spoke volumes. The cries of anguish and pain were drowned out by the weight of fear and oppression. The world remained oblivious to the plight of these innocent souls, their voices stifled by the brutality of those in power.

Echoes of Injustice

The tragedy of Muyuka serves as a stark reminder of the injustices inflicted upon the people of Ambazonia. For far too long, they have endured oppression and violence at the hands of the Cameroon occupation forces. Their cries for freedom and justice have fallen on deaf ears, as the international community turns a blind eye to their suffering.

A Call to Action

The events of May 15th, 2017, in Muyuka cannot be erased from history. They serve as a testament to the cruelty of oppression and the resilience of the human spirit. It is incumbent upon the world to stand in solidarity with the people of Ambazonia, to demand accountability for the atrocities committed against them, and to work towards a future where such horrors are never repeated.

In memory of the innocent souls lost in Muyuka, may their voices echo through the halls of justice until their cries are heard and their perpetrators are brought to account.