On February 15th, 2020, in the town of Kumba, located within the Meme state of Ambazonia, two young boys fell victim to the cruel machinations of the Cameroon occupant Forces. Eyewitnesses recounted the chilling events, describing how the boys, innocently returning from their farms, were abruptly seized by force.* *Ambazonia Crisis: In Kumba 2young boys were victimized.

Ambazonia Crisis: In Kumba 2young boys were victimized into the hands of the cameroon occupant forces😱😰

The once vibrant community, rich with culture and heritage, now bears the scars of conflict and turmoil, as the very fabric of its existence is torn asunder by forces beyond its control. Generations of Kumba’s residents have known little respite from the pervasive climate of fear and insecurity that grips their daily lives.

This reprehensible incident is but one of many atrocities that have plagued the region,

highlighting the pervasive brutality inflicted upon its inhabitants. Once fertile lands that sustained communities have now transformed into perilous territories,

where the simple act of farming has become fraught with danger and uncertainty.

The abduction of these boys serves as a stark reminder of the profound fear and insecurity that grips the hearts of Ambazonians,

where livelihoods are jeopardized by the ever-looming threat of violence and oppression😭

where livelihoods are jeopardized by the ever-looming threat of violence and oppression. As the oppressed continue to raise their voices against injustice,

it is imperative that we stand in solidarity with their struggle for freedom and dignity.

Let us bear witness to their plight and amplify their calls for justice across the globe.

May the memory of those lost fuel our collective resolve to advocate for a future where peace and prosperity prevail in the cherished land of Ambazonia.

Their unwavering resolve to persevere in the face of adversity is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and serves

as a beacon of inspiration for all who yearn for a better tomorrow. As we bear witness to the plight of Kumba and its people,

let us stand in solidarity with them, and let their struggle be a clarion call for justice, freedom, and dignity in Ambazonia and beyond.