October 22, 2022, Esso-Attah, Lebialem State, Southern Ambazonia: six individuals were buried alive in Esso-Attah, Lebialem, by a vigilante group empowered and supported by the Cameroon Occupational Forces. The shocking incident, which was recorded and circulated widely through video footage, has sparked outrage and drawn attention to the ongoing war in Ambazonia. The vigilante group, comprised of local youths backed by the Cameroon military. The victims of being complicit in the killings of several village chiefs in 2021. Before their execution, the accused were restrained with their hands bound, highlighting the deliberate and brutal nature of the act.

This atrocity reflects the increasingly tense and hostile environment created by the ongoing war between Ambazonia Fighters and the Cameroon Occupational Forces. The war, marked by cycles of violence and retaliatory attacks, has devastated local communities and fueled deep-seated resentment. Acts of brutality, such as the six individuals buried alive. It does not only violate the fundamental principles of humanity. And also it illustrates the extent to which the situation has deteriorated. Civilians, in particular, remain caught in the crossfire, frequently targeted or accused of complicity without due process.

The empowerment of vigilante groups by the Cameroon Occupational Forces raises additional concerns regarding the delegation of military authority to untrained and unsanctioned actors. While these groups may claim to act in defense of their communities, their actions often escalate violence and lead to grave Human Rights Abuses. In this case, the involvement of youths in such a heinous act reflects the breakdown of lawful governance and the dangerous consequences of militarizing local populations.

This incident is part of a broader pattern of atrocities committed in the Ambazonian war. Cameroon Occupational Forces have been using excessive force, enabling extrajudicial killings, and Violating International Humanitarian Norms. The war has created an environment where civilians are routinely subjected to suspicion, violence, and acts of retribution without access to fair trials or legal protection. The brutal execution of the six individuals in Esso-Attah is a stark reminder of the urgent need for international intervention to address the Human Rights Crisis in Ambazonia.

Humanitarian Organizations and International Bodies must prioritize investigations into such crimes. Further by ensuring that perpetrators—whether state actors or affiliated groups—are held accountable in international courts. The Geneva Conventions provide a legal framework for such accountability. The recognizing grave breaches like the burial of civilians alive as prosecutable offenses under International Law.

In conclusion, the killing of six individuals by the Cameroon military-backed vigilante group. This constitutes a clear War Crime and a severe violation of International Humanitarian Law. The incident not only highlights the brutality of the ongoing war in Ambazonia. It also underscores the urgent need for justice, accountability, and the protection of civilians. The International Community must take decisive action to ensure such grave violations do not continue with impunity. Justice for the victims and their families remains a critical step toward addressing the broader humanitarian crisis and restoring the rule of law in Ambazonia.