The attack on this elderly woman was part of a broader assault in which numerous others, including children, were also injured and left in a state of shock. The incident reflects the indiscriminate and brutal tactics employed by the forces, targeting vulnerable individuals who posed no threat.

The abduction and physical abuse of an elderly woman, along with the terror inflicted on the local population, left the community in anguish and fear.

Mama Owa Sara Afa, known as a matriarch in her community, symbolizes the resilience of her people. Her violent treatment sent shockwaves through Muyuka, further devastating families who witnessed the brutalization of one of their most cherished elders.

Children and other community members who suffered injuries during the incident were left traumatized, highlighting the indiscriminate and callous nature of the assault. The attack disrupted the social cohesion of the village, leaving behind emotional and psychological scars that are difficult to heal. Eyewitnesses described scenes of chaos, with families scrambling to protect their loved ones while enduring the wrath of the occupation forces.

The targeting of an elderly woman and the widespread harm inflicted upon other civilians during the assault represent not only an affront to human dignity but also a blatant violation of international humanitarian principles.

This act constitutes a war crime under international humanitarian law, specifically violating Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, which prohibits violence to life and person, including cruel treatment and torture of non-combatants.

The attack on an elderly woman, a particularly vulnerable individual, is a breach of the principle of distinction, which mandates that parties to a conflict must differentiate between combatants and civilians. The physical abuse, abduction, and harm inflicted on children and other civilians further underscore violations of the Convention Against Torture, which categorically prohibits acts of torture under any circumstances. This event highlights the systematic targeting of civilians in Ambazonia, emphasizing the urgent need for international accountability and action to protect those affected by the conflict.