July 31, 2018, Mezam State, Northern Ambazonia: The Mezam Hospital, a crucial lifeline for the local community, was turned into a scene of terror and destruction as the Cameroonian Occupation Forces attacked the facility. Three nurses, dedicated healthcare workers tending to the sick and wounded, were forcibly abducted from their posts.

These selfless individuals, whose only mission was to save lives, were brutally killed. The attack also left many others wounded, including vulnerable patients who were lying helplessly on admission beds.
This incident constitutes a clear War Crime under International Humanitarian Law (IHL). Hospitals, medical staff, and patients are protected under the Geneva Conventions (1949), particularly Article 18 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which mandates the protection of medical facilities during armed conflicts. Attacking hospitals and targeting medical personnel is strictly prohibited, as it deprives civilians of necessary medical care and violates the principles of humanity and distinction. Furthermore, Article 8(2)(b)(ix) of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) defines the deliberate targeting of hospitals, medical workers, and those not actively participating in hostilities as a war crime.
The abduction and execution of the three nurses is a violation of Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, which prohibits the murder, torture, and inhumane treatment of civilians or those hors de combat (not actively engaged in combat). The indiscriminate attack on the hospital also contravenes Protocol II of the Geneva Conventions, which prohibits acts of violence against medical facilities and personnel during non-international armed conflicts.
The July 31 attack not only resulted in the loss of precious lives but also inflicted long-term harm on the community by disrupting access to essential medical services. Targeting healthcare workers and facilities reflects a gross disregard for human dignity and the sanctity of life. Such actions demand urgent investigation and accountability under international law to ensure justice for the victims and prevent similar atrocities in conflict zones.