June 25, 2018, Mezam State, Northern Ambazonia: Cameroon Occupation Forces Abducted, Tortured, and Killed Innocent Civilians, Including Women and Children, Leaving Many Others Injured
On June 25, 2018, in Mezam State, Northern Ambazonia, Cameroon Occupation Forces carried out a brutal assault against innocent and unarmed civilians. Women, children, and other members of the community became victims of abductions, torture, and extrajudicial killings.

The attack caused severe injuries to many others and left an indelible mark on a population already suffering under the weight of violence and oppression. Such indiscriminate actions, targeting defenseless individuals, represent a flagrant violation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and human rights principles.
This incident constitutes a war crime as defined under the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). Specifically, Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions prohibits violence against persons not actively participating in hostilities, including civilians. The abduction, torture, and killing of civilians violate this provision, as civilians are afforded protection during armed conflicts. Furthermore, the deliberate targeting of women and children amplifies the severity of the violation, as they are particularly vulnerable in times of conflict.
Under the Rome Statute of the ICC, such actions also violate Article 8(2)(c)(i), which explicitly prohibits violence to life and person, including murder, mutilation, and cruel treatment, against those not involved in combat. The torture of civilians and the harm inflicted upon women and children further contravene international norms prohibiting inhumane and degrading treatment. Additionally, the actions of the Cameroon Occupation Forces breach the principles of distinction and proportionality in armed conflict. These principles require that parties to a conflict distinguish between combatants and civilians, ensuring that attacks do not intentionally target non-combatants.
The events of June 25, 2018, in Mezam State reflect a clear disregard for international law, human dignity, and the sanctity of life. Such atrocities demand accountability under international humanitarian law. The international community must take urgent steps to investigate these crimes, hold the perpetrators accountable, and prevent further violations to ensure justice for the victims and lasting peace for the affected communities.