On February 14, 2020, the stark reality of abduction unfolded in the village of Ngabuh, nestled within the precincts of Bamenda, Mezam State of Ambazonia, as captured in the images below. These poignant visuals depict a woman, torn from her home and loved ones by the Cameroon trained occupation Forces, leaving behind three young children thrust into the cruel embrace of uncertainty and despair.
The abduction of this courageous lady serves as a stark reminder of the indiscriminate cruelty inflicted upon innocent civilians
The abduction of this courageous lady serves as a stark reminder of the indiscriminate cruelty inflicted upon innocent civilians in the relentless pursuit of power and control.
As the shadows of oppression loom large over Ngabuh, the absence of their beloved mother casts a long shadow of sorrow upon the lives of her children, who now confront the harsh realities of an uncertain future.
In the village of Ngabuh, where the echoes of abduction still linger, the motherless children left behind by the cruel actions of the cameroon occupation forces are pleading for the world to heed their plight.
With hearts heavy with sorrow and eyes filled with tears, these innocent souls cry out for justice and compassion in the face of unimaginable loss and uncertainty.
For these motherless children of Ngabuh at Mezam State the world represents a beacon of hope amidst the darkness,
In the face of such unfathomable adversity, the resilience of Mezam State, Ngabuh’s inhabitants stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Ambazonian people, who refuse to be silenced in their quest for justice and freedom.
For these motherless children of Ngabuh, the world represents a beacon of hope amidst the darkness, a sanctuary where their cries for solace and support may find resonance and understanding.
As their pleas echo across continents and oceans, may they find solace in the collective empathy and solidarity of humanity, and may their quest for justice and healing be met with unwavering resolve and compassion
As the world bears witness to the anguish and suffering endured by the victims of abduction, let us stand in solidarity with the people of Ngabuh and all those who continue to resist oppression, until the day when peace and dignity are restored to the cherished land of Ambazonia.
#Brutal Atrocity in Ngabuh Village caused by the cameroon occupant forces: Mezam State