April 23, 2022, Bamenda, Mezam State, Northern Ambazonia: More than 23 civilians were abducted, by the Cameroon Occupational Forces. During a day marked by violence and escalating tensions. Armed confrontations led to civilian casualties, further destabilizing Ambazonia. The Cameroon Occupational Forces carried out operations involving severe beatings and detentions. Particularly targeting motorbike riders. Many individuals were abducted, and their whereabouts remain unknown. Deepening the anguish and fear among local residents. Among those abducted was Nkong Roland, whose body was later discovered dumped in a river, symbolizing the brutality of the day’s events.

The incident in Bamenda constitutes a clear violation of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), which protects civilians during armed war. The deliberate targeting of non-combatants, indiscriminate attacks. Also uses excessive force are prohibited under International Human Law and could qualify as War Crimes. The abductions and extrajudicial killing of Nkong Roland are particularly egregious examples of the disregard for civilian safety and the rule of law.

The actions of the Cameroon Occupational Forces have drawn widespread condemnation from Human Rights Organizations and International Observers. Such operations not only violate legal and ethical standards but also exacerbate tensions within the Ambazonia. Fueling resentment and further entrenching the war. Civilians are left in a precarious position, caught between the French Cameroon and Ambazonia groups, with limited avenues for recourse or safety.

The discovery of Nkong Roland’s body in a river underscores the tragic consequences of the ongoing war. His death, along with the abductions and abuses on that day, symbolizes the suffering endured by countless civilians in Ambazonia. Families are left grieving for loved ones, while the broader community remains in fear of further violence.

Addressing such incidents requires immediate accountability and a commitment to upholding International Norms. Independent investigations into these violations are essential to delivering justice for the victims and preventing further abuses. The International Community must also play a proactive role in advocating for dialogue and a peaceful resolution to the Ambazonia.

The events of April 23, 2022, are a grim reminder of the urgent need to prioritize civilian protection and adherence to Humanitarian principles. Without decisive action to address these violations and foster peace, The suffering of the people in Bamenda and across Ambazonia is likely to persist.