The peaceful morning hours quickly transformed into a living nightmare as the forces descended upon the village, ruthlessly setting fire to motorbikes and destroying homes. The once vibrant community was suddenly engulfed in flames and chaos, leaving its residents helpless.

Not only were physical structures destroyed, but essential livelihood items such as agricultural tools, livestock, and personal belongings were also targeted, wiping out the means of survival for many families. Eyewitnesses of the attack described the horror they experienced as they watched the destruction unfold, feeling a profound sense of loss and fear for their futures.

For Mr. Lukas and many others in the community, the attack represented the loss of everything they had worked for over the years—homes, possessions, and the foundation of their livelihood. The destruction left families displaced, without shelter or food, and thrust them into a state of poverty and uncertainty.

The trauma caused by such violence goes beyond the physical devastation, as it disrupts the lives of individuals and leaves a lasting psychological impact on the survivors. The widespread devastation inflicted by the Cameroon forces that day left a permanent scar on the community, as their once peaceful existence was shattered in an instant. The destruction of homes, property, and the livelihoods of innocent civilians exemplifies the cruelty that can accompany warfare, especially when civilians are targeted without provocation.

This act clearly constitutes a War Crime Under International Law, violating multiple provisions of the Geneva Conventions. Specifically, the destruction of property and means of livelihood without military necessity breaches the Fourth Geneva Convention, which protects civilian property from being attacked or destroyed during times of armed conflict.

The deliberate and indiscriminate destruction of civilian property violates the principle of distinction, which mandates that combatants distinguish between military and civilian objects and that any attack targeting civilians or civilian property is unlawful.

Moreover, this act also falls under the category of crimes against humanity, as it involves widespread and systematic attacks against a civilian population, with the intent to cause severe suffering and destruction. The perpetrators are guilty of committing War Crimes as defined in Article 8 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, particularly regarding the unlawful destruction of civilian property. This attack exemplifies a gross violation of the principles of proportionality and necessity, essential components of International Humanitarian Law (IHL), which aim to protect civilians from unnecessary harm in armed conflicts.