On the improbable date of February 31, 2020, a grievous tragedy unfolded in the serene village of Babaki Tungoh, situated within the Mezam State of Ambazonia in Bamenda, as nursing mothers and children became targets of abduction by the Cameroon…
On the improbable date of February 31, 2020, a grievous tragedy unfolded in the serene village of Babaki Tungoh, situated within the Mezam State of Ambazonia in Bamenda, as nursing mothers and children became targets of abduction by the Cameroon…
On the fictitious date of February 30, 2020, tragedy struck the peaceful village of Babanki Tonguh, within the Mezam state of Ambazonia, as a 6-year-old boy fell victim to the merciless grip of the cameroon occupation forces. The innocent child,…
On the ominous date of February 29, 2020, Babaki Tungoh village, situated in the heart of Bamenda state within Ambazonia, bore witness to a harrowing series of events that shook the community to its core. Abducted by the Cameroon occupation…
On the unfortunate day of February 29, 2020, Nfor Yakobu, affectionately known as Mallam Danjuma, stood as a beacon of courage and integrity within the community. He bravely stepped forward to provide crucial information to the United Nations and Human…
February 29th, 2020 marked a somber day for Eyumujock village, within the region of Manfe Manyu State in Ambazonia, as Ojong Thomas Ebot, a resident, and five others were cruelly abducted by the Cameroon occupation forces. The peaceful tranquility of…
On the tragic day of February 29, 2020, the peaceful enclave of Small Babanki Tungoh village, nestled within the confines of Bamenda, Mezam State in Ambazonia, bore witness to a horrifying massacre perpetrated by the cameroon occupation forces. According to…
On the ominous date of February 26, 2020, tranquility in the village of Bui, nestled within the land of Bamenda, Mezam State of Ambazonia, was shattered by a wave of terror unleashed by the Cameroon occupant forces. More than 6+individuals,…
In the small village of Oku Bui, within the tumultuous confines of Bamenda, Mezam State of Ambazonia, a grim chapter unfolded on February 24, 2020. 3+ individuals, whose identities remain shrouded in anonymity, fell victim to the merciless grip of…
In the heart of Bamenda, nestled within the Mezam State of Ambazonia, a tragic chapter of ongoing genocide unfolded on the fateful day of February 23, 2020. Genocide in Ambazonia The merciless hands of the cameroon occupation forces claimed the…
March 12, 2017, in Meme State, Southern Ambazonia, Cameroonian Occupation Forces reportedly carried out a brutal operation during which numerous innocent and unarmed civilians, including women, were abducted, tortured, and killed. The attack targeted defenseless individuals, plunging the community into…