May 21 2019, Muyuka, Fako State, Southern Ambazonia: The brutal attack that resulted in the abduction and killing of a defenseless four-month-old baby, Neba Matha Mbuh. The infant was shot multiple times in the head by Cameroonian Military Forces.
This heinous act represents a grave violation of International Humanitarian Law(IHL). Specifically, the protections enshrined in the Geneva Conventions, which are designed to safeguard civilians, particularly vulnerable groups such as children, during armed war.
The brutal attacked that led to the killing of a defenseless infant illustrate a flagrant disregard for the principles of distinction and proportionality, which form the cornerstone of the laws of armed war. These principles require all parties in a war to distinguish between combatants and civilians. There by ensuring the latter are protected from violence. The excessive harm inflicted on a non-combatant, particularly an infant, underscores the indiscriminate and inhumane nature of the attack.
Moreover, this atrocity constitutes a serious violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Which explicitly mandates special protection for children, especially in situations of armed war. Children, are the most vulnerable members of society. Where they are entitled to the highest level of care and protection under International Law. The killing of an infant not only breaches this legal obligation. It also inflicts profound psychological and emotional trauma on affected families and communities.
Under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), the deliberate killing of civilians. Including infants, is categorized as a War Crime. Such an act represents a gross and deliberate breach of International Law. There by warranting immediate investigation and accountability. The international community has a responsibility to hold those responsible for these atrocities accountable. There by ensuring justice for the victims and deterring future violations of humanitarian law.
The brutal attacked that led to the death of baby Neba Matha Mbuh serves as a grim reminder of the human cost of war and the urgent need for adherence to the principles of International Humanitarian Law. This tragic incident underscores the importance of protecting civilian lives, especially those of the most vulnerable, and ensuring that those who commit such egregious acts face justice.