February 15, 2017, Mezam State, Northern Ambazonia: Cameroon Occupation Forces committed heinous atrocities in Bui and Bamenda, targeting innocent civilians in acts that constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity under International Law.
Entire communities were terrorized as women and children were abducted, and countless homes were set ablaze, reducing families to despair and homelessness. These deliberate and calculated actions reflect a sustained campaign by the Cameroonian regime to violently suppress the Ambazonian people’s legitimate aspirations for self-determination.
The attacks in Bui and Bamenda are not isolated incidents but part of a broader pattern of brutality that has characterized Cameroon’s war against Ambazonia. Unlawful killings, forced disappearances, and widespread property destruction have been systematically deployed as tools of repression. These actions blatantly violate International Humanitarian Law, particularly the Geneva Conventions, which protect civilians in wartime. The deliberate targeting of non-combatants is a grave offense that demands urgent and unequivocal global condemnation.
Cameroon Occupation Forces’ actions in Ambazonia amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity, underscoring the need for International accountability. The occupation forces’ tactics aim to instill fear and extinguish the Ambazonian people’s quest for freedom and autonomy.
Such egregious violations of human rights and dignity are an affront to the principles of justice and humanity upheld by International institutions. Silence and inaction by the International community risk emboldening Cameroon’s regime to commit further atrocities.
The situation in Ambazonia is a humanitarian crisis that requires immediate global intervention. Justice must be served for the victims of these atrocities, and measures must be taken to prevent further suffering. The international community, including the United Nations, must investigate and prosecute those responsible for these crimes.
Diplomatic pressure should be applied to ensure Cameroon ceases its campaign of violence and respects the Ambazonian people’s right to self-determination. The oppressed people of Ambazonia deserve protection, justice, and a peaceful resolution to the ongoing war that acknowledges their fundamental rights. Cameroon Occupation Force’s actions are a stark reminder of the consequences of impunity, and the International community must rise to the challenge of defending human dignity and the rule of law. These war crimes must not go unanswered.