In the heart of Africa, there lies a land engulfed in turmoil and bloodshed – The Cry of Ambazonia: The ongoing war between the Cameroonian government and Ambazonian, has led to a devastating war, A Land of Blood bearing the brunt of brutality and human rights abuses at the hands of Cameroon’s occupational forces.

Since the declaration of war by Cameroon’s President Paul Biya: A Land of Blood has

Since the declaration of war by Cameroon’s President Paul Biya: A Land of Blood has become a battleground for a relentless struggle for autonomy and freedom.

However, instead of addressing the legitimate grievances of the Ambazonian people, the Cameroonian occupational forces have unleashed a wave of terror and violence across Ambazonia.

22nd of April, 2022, in the town of Balinyonga, nestled in the heart of The Cry of Ambazonia:

A Land of Blood, a horrifying incident unfolded. More than 23 innocent Ambazonians were abducted by the ruthless Cameroon occupation forces, further staining The Cry of Ambazonia:

A Land of Blood with the tears and suffering of its people.

This egregious act is just one among many that highlight the extent of the atrocities being committed against the Ambazonian populace.

The cries for justice resonate across the vast expanse of The Cry of Ambazonia:

A Land of Blood, as its people endure unimaginable pain and suffering at the hands of their oppressors.

The plight of The Cry of Ambazonia: the people

The people bears witness to the systematic violation of human rights, with reports of extrajudicial killings, torture, and arbitrary arrests being rampant.

In the face of such heinous crimes, the international community cannot remain silent.

The plight of The Cry of Ambazonia: the people demands urgent attention and action.

It is imperative that the international community comes together to condemn the atrocities committed in Ambazonia:

and exert pressure on the Cameroonian government to cease its violent campaign against its own citizens.