On January 3, 2022, in Bamenda, Mezam State, Northern Ambazonia, a tragic incident unfolded as Cameroon’s Occupational Forces conducted a military operation resulting in the deaths of at least eight innocent civilians, including children. During the operation, numerous homes and shops were set ablaze, leaving families devastated and displaced. The destruction and the death of innocent civilians caused by this operation further deepened the ongoing suffering of the Ambazonia population, who have been severely affected by the protracted war in Ambazonia. Civilians continue to bear the brunt of the violence, often becoming the targets in this ongoing war.

The deliberate targeting of civilians and the destruction of civilian properties during this operation qualifies the incident as a war crime. Under International Humanitarian Law (IHL), such acts represent gross violations of the principles of distinction and proportionality enshrined in the Geneva Conventions. These principles mandate that combatants distinguish between military objectives and civilian entities, ensuring that civilians are not subject to attack. By failing to adhere to these guidelines, the perpetrators have not only breached IHL but have also escalated the suffering of non-combatants.

The actions of the Cameroonian Occupational Forces further contravene International Legal Protections, specifically the prohibitions against collective punishment and the deliberate infliction of harm on innocent civilians. Collective punishment—targeting a population for the actions of a few—is explicitly forbidden under International Law, as it causes widespread and unjustified suffering. Likewise, the destruction of homes, businesses, and other non-military structures constitutes unnecessary harm, exacerbating the plight of civilians already struggling in a conflict zone. Such actions highlight a troubling disregard for the fundamental principles of humanity and the protections intended to shield non-combatants from the ravages of war.

This death of at least eight innocent civilians has contributed to the worsening Humanitarian situation in Ambazonia. Families who lost their homes and loved ones now face displacement, with little to no support available to rebuild their lives. The ongoing conflict has left many civilians caught in a cycle of violence, fear, and poverty, with no clear end in sight. International observers and Human Rights Organizations have repeatedly condemned such acts, calling for accountability and a cessation of hostilities. However, the lack of concrete action to address these violations has perpetuated the impunity with which such crimes are committed.

In conclusion, the January 3 military operation in Bamenda underscores the grim reality of life for Ambazonian civilians amidst the conflict. The killing of civilians, burning of homes, and widespread displacement caused by this act represent a clear violation of IHL and international protections for non-combatants. These actions amount to war crimes, reflecting a blatant disregard for human rights and the rule of law. Urgent action is needed to ensure accountability, uphold international norms, and alleviate the suffering of those impacted by this tragic conflict. The global community must prioritize the protection of civilians and work towards a peaceful resolution to the ongoing crisis in Ambazonia.