thank you for listening.

Happy New Year and Good evening. This is the People’s Weekly Briefing with your Spokesperson, Akoson Raymond. Today is Sunday January 3, 2021. 

  1. The Ambazonia Governing Council takes cognizant of the passage, by unanimous consent, of the United States Senate Resolution 684. The AGovC thanks the US Senators for their continuous and renewed interest in seeing the Ambazonian Liberation War come to a close. 

The AGovC informs Ambazonians that; the US Senate Resolution of January 1, 2021 reiterates their call for a ceasefire and negotiations to end the war.

The AGovC would like to remind the United States that, in a just concluded discussion with the UN SG’s Special Representative Ambassador François Louncény Fall, the UN officially informed the AGovC that Cameroon was unwilling to come to the negotiation table. Concerning the heightened call for a ceasefire, the AGovC welcomes the call and restates the rights of the Ambazonian People in international law to self-defend, the right to defend its territorial integrity and civilian population from the aggressor state of Cameroon that violated international borders in 1961 to annex Ambazonia against the very wish of the Ambazonian people. 

The Secretary of State of the Ambazonia Governing Council, Dr. Larry Ayamba will be reaching out to the Foreign Affairs Committee of the United States Senate on a workable and viable solution to peacefully end the over half-a-century colonization of Ambazonia by Cameroon.

On the state of the Ambazonia Liberation War:

The AGovC would like to inform Ambazonians that at the close of 2020, the Vice President of the Ambazonia Governing Council,  chaired a cabinet meeting of all executive members. The AGovC Leadership assessed the Liberation War and concluded that the state of our war is great. The AGovC has set as objective for 2021, to achieve a territorial-wide Stabilization of the Ambazonian Resistance. And the formula for such achievement is the institution of a national defense stabilization.

A more stabilized Ambazonia means;

  1. Lesser control by Cameroon and tougher times for its colonial administration and forces operating in Ambazonia;
  1. Expansion and control of more Ambazonian liberated communities by our defense forces and, therefore, more community schools that run on the Ambazonian Educational curriculum as prescribed by the Ambazonia Education Board;
  1. Lesser civilian casualties;
  1. The strengthening of our gunboat diplomatic strategy; and
  1. Complete the collaboration process of all defense forces in Ambazonia

The AGovC reminds Ambazonians that the triplet strategic Gameplan of self-defense, targeted diplomacy and internationalization remains the unbeatable combination to successfully liberate the Ambazonian homeland.  


Two years ago, Cameroon rolled out a diabolic plan that sought to drive a wedge between the Mborrorros and our defense forces. Civilians and cattle alike were killed, farms destroyed and distrust between these communities built against our defense forces and sister forces. Cameroon temporarily succeeded howbeit short-lived.

The AGovC announces that these tensions have been brought to tolerable dimensions. The Leadership of the ADF in the Savannah states worked tirelessly in rebuilding trust, camaraderie between our defense forces and the Mborrorro communities. It all culminated in a friendly sports encounter at the close of 2020 that announced a new start for 2021. 


The Observance of the Monday Ghost Town Days.

The Intelligence Unit of the Ambazonia Governing Council has intercepted active work-in-progress preparation that seeks to frustrate Ambazonia’s traditional Ghost Town days. Cameroon’s colonial administration and certain Ambazonians from both the Atlantic and Savannah states are involved in this counter-revolutionary activities that seek to undermine the Ambazonia Liberation War. The Ambazonia Governing Council, AGovC has issued a special fiat to its War Council to take necessary action against persons trying to undermine the observance of this day of strategic symbolism. 

The AGovC reminds all and sundry that in 2016, the people of Ambazonia unanimously picked Mondays as a day to completely shutdown the territory in defiance of Cameroon’s half-a-century-old colonial domination.

This lockdown is a Civil Disobedience campaign that is grounded on moral and political principles and proves to the world community that Cameroon has no administrative control over Ambazonia. Civil disobedience is an integral component of a democratic Ambazonian state — it is one of the driving factors that allow the people of Ambazonia to exercise their rights to free speech and speak up against an unfair and unjust international system.

Therefore, the traditional Monday Ghost towns dubbed ‘Kontri Sundays’ represent the will of the Ambazonian people and the Governing Council will stop at nothing to uphold this will. The AGovC underlines, with vehemence, and reminds the people of its Zero tolerance on actions perpetrated by individuals or groups of individuals that seek to enable the continuation of Cameroon’s occupation of Ambazonia.


On the Organization and the Internal functioning of the Ambazonia Governing Council. 

The AGovC announces to the people of Ambazonia that this year 2021 is its election year. 

We acknowledge that the Ambazonia Liberation War has different movements fighting for the complete liberation of Ambazonia. And that the Ambazonia Governing Council, the AGovC is only one of such movements.

It is important to note that on February 4th 2018 the AGovC hammered down a Constitution – the AGovC’s Supreme Text – that spelt out its fundamental principles and established precedents according to which the organization was and is acknowledged to be governed. Article 54 of this super eminent law provides that the President and the Vice President shall hold office during the term of four years renewable once.

The first term of the current AGovC presidency and vice presidency ends on midnight of February 8, 2021 Ambazonian time. And the President and the Vice-President shall be elected by the voting members in the Council of Missions on the 9th of February and will be installed into office on the 11th of February by the Chairperson of the Committee for Rules and Order in the Council of Missions.

The AGovC emphasizes that should the current President and Vice President intend to run for relection, this would be their last term expiring in 2025.

The AGovC would like to acknowledge that the organization has received numerous calls from well-intentioned Ambazonians from all across the globe condemning the organization of elections. Much as these calls are inspired by love for Ambazonia and fear of the future, the AGovC reminds Ambazonians that ours is a knitly, well-structured and rock-solid organization whose foundation is inspired by and was constructed on uncompromisable democratic values. 

The AGovC further reminds Ambazonians that the Ambazonia Governing Council  was founded to advance and defend the right of the people of Ambazonia to external self-determination from Cameroun and to establish an independent, sovereign, stable, peaceful, investment-friendly, and fast-growing state of Ambazonia. And that; while fulfilling this unique aim, the AGoVC emerges as the vanguard of the struggle of all democratic and patriotic forces to end the annexed state of Ambazonia and usher in the reign of the free and sovereign state of Ambazonia as a nation under God marked by unity, bribery-and-corrupt free, fast and balanced development, stability, economic prosperity, socio-political pluralism, the reign of the rule of law, respect of human rights, and democracy.

As the vanguard of this Liberation War and the protector of our democracy, we cannot now start practicing the art of tinkering of constitutions to serve individual egos. It would be a bad precedent to sacrifice strong instutitions!

The AGovC believes that it is extremely important to frequently renew the leadership of every organization by allowing a set of new individuals to come onboard and inject fresh perspectives to global trends and development and help move their organizations in ways that may differ from previously long held typical traditional approaches. Members of the AGovC’s Council of Missions (CM) from each county shall, on February 9 caucus according to the following grouping in alphabetical order: Boyo, Bui and Donga Mantung shall constitute the First Caucus; Fako, Kupe Muanenguba and Lebialem shall constitute the Second Caucus; Manyu, Meme and Menchum shall constitute the Third Caucus; Mezam, Momo, Ndian and Ngo Ketunjia shall constitute the Fourth Caucus.

In the days and weeks ahead, the AGovC shall make public announcements regarding the February 9th elections.

5.In defense matters.

Last week, the ADF launched a second offensive in a precision strike action in a Cameroon military camp in Mbeme village, Manyu state. Several Cameroon forces were injured. The camp is deserted and Ambazonia is one-less of Cameroon military camps that wreck mayhem on our civilian population.

In defense cooperation, the figures now stand at 98%, up from 95% in 2020. The relationship between the ADF and other sister forces is excellent at this time. The AGovC thanks the ADF and other active fighting forces in Ambazonia for these milestone cooperation undertaking. 

  1. In Communication, on December 27, 2020, the Ambazonia Communication Network, ACN was launched. The AGovC believes in democracy and the power of a people-owned media outfit. We also believe that access to information delivered by a free press is essential to the health of democracy. It ensures that Ambazonians make responsible, informed choices rather than acting out of ignorance or misinformation. 

In 2016, as per Divine Calendar, we, the Ambazonian people rose up as one man and with one voice began a ‘no-return’ journey to finally end Cameroon’s 60 years of military occupation of Ambazonia.

The Leadership of the Ambazonia Governing Council, the AGovC understood the financial and economic implication of this liberation fight. Consequently, to concentrate scarce resources on a strong military agenda, the AGovC preferred to not duplicate other communication channels that sprang up at the outset of this liberation war. Unfortunately, as records show, these communication channels became propaganda outfits against fellow Ambazonians with the aim of politicizing a liberation war to suit individual rather than the collective Ambazonian interest. Politicians mount the rostrum, spew out lies, hate and division for our honorable men and women in uniform to kill their peers, sometimes, to hide evidence. The 2019 Bui saga remains fresh on our minds. 

With this hard lesson of reality, the AGovC is of the opinion that owning a TV station entirely run and managed by the AGovC leadership may be tempting to serve group agenda.  And a future Ambazonian state-owned TV station with absolute state control only helps to turn the state into a dictatorship. The Ambazonian Democratic experiment starts today and not tomorrow. The ACN provides a platform through which budding talents may search for opportunity, build talents which may beneficial to them personally and to a future Ambazonian state.

The Ambazonia Communication Network, ACN is a TV station owned, managed and sponsored by the general public.  The AGovC calls on the public wishing to be a part of this endeavor to contact, on whatsapp, +1 614-377-0445.


On the overwhelming 2020 Support for the AGovC

The AGovC thanks the general public for all the financial, material, and moral support throughout the year of 2020. We are impressed that Ambazonians are quickly aligning themselves with the vision and leadership of the Ambazonia Governing Council.

We seize this opportunity to reaffirm the AGovC’s fundamental mission of ending the occupation of Ambazonia by Cameroun.