September 7, 2022, Ekona, Fako State, Southern Ambazonia: Two primary school teachers in Ekona were abducted by the Cameroon Occupational Forces. The tragic incident that further underscores the ongoing violence in Ambazonia.

During the operation, one of the teachers was brutally killed, while the other was shot and left severely injured. This event reflects the ongoing inhumane treatment faced by the people of Ambazonia at the hands of the Cameroon Occupational Forces.

They continue to attack, shoot, and kill civilians indiscriminately. Such violence has far-reaching consequences, severely impacting all aspects of life in Ambazonia, particularly the education sector.

Additionally, fear instilled by such actions disrupts education, deprives children of their fundamental right to learn. It also exacerbates the Ambazonia economic and social instability. Teachers, as pillars of community development, have been forced to choose between their safety and their duty to educate. While civilians are increasingly caught in the crossfire of the war.

Moreover, two primary school teachers were deliberately targeted and killed , which constitutes a War Crime under International Humanitarian Law (IHL). The Geneva Conventions and other international legal frameworks specifically prohibit attacks against civilians.

And they require warring parties to distinguish between combatants and non-combatants. In addition to this, Educators like other civilians, are protected under these laws, and their targeting is a clear violation of legal and moral obligations during armed war.

Lastly, this tragic incident in Ekona is yet another example of the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Ambazonia. Even so, civilians continue to bear the brunt of the war.

The death and injury of innocent teachers serve as a grim reminder of the urgent need for International Intervention. And accountability for war crimes, and a sustainable resolution to the violence. As the war continues, the targeting of civilians, especially those who contribute to the welfare and future of the community, highlights the devastating toll on Ambazonian society.