October 20, 2017, Buea, Fako State, the Federal Capital of Southern Ambazonia, Cameroonian occupation forces committed a heinous act by willfully crushing a young lady to death with their armored truck and fleeing the scene. Eyewitness accounts describe the incident as deliberate and callous, with the forces showing no regard for human life or accountability.
The young lady, an innocent civilian, fell victim to the growing trend of impunity demonstrated by the occupying forces. Witnesses reported that the armored truck veered towards her, striking her down and leaving her lifeless on the ground.
The perpetrators then fled the scene, leaving no trace or acknowledgment of the atrocity. This tragic event is one of many similar incidents in the region, where violence against unarmed civilians is met with silence and impunity.
The community remains gripped by fear and despair, mourning the loss of yet another innocent life. Such actions, carried out with apparent intent and lack of accountability, have sown a pervasive climate of terror among the local population, further deepening the humanitarian crisis in Southern Ambazonia.
The willful killing of a civilian by crushing her to death with an armored vehicle constitutes a grave War Crime under International Humanitarian Law. This act violates Common Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions, which prohibits violence to life and person, including murder, mutilation, and cruel treatment, against persons taking no active part in hostilities.
The deliberate targeting of an unarmed civilian with a military vehicle breaches the principle of distinction, which requires parties to a conflict to differentiate between combatants and non-combatants. Furthermore, the act of fleeing the scene without taking responsibility for the harm inflicted exacerbates the violation, as it denies justice and accountability for the victim and her family.
This incident also contravenes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, particularly Article 3, which guarantees every individual’s right to life, liberty, and security. The systematic nature of such crimes, coupled with the lack of accountability, may constitute crimes against humanity under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. The international community must address these violations to ensure justice for the victims and to uphold the rule of law.