On the 15th of March 2024, an alarming incident unfolded as a man was forcefully abducted, subjected to severe torture that brought him perilously close to death, and subsequently coerced into paying a ransom by members of the Cameroon Occupation…
On the 15th of March 2024, an alarming incident unfolded as a man was forcefully abducted, subjected to severe torture that brought him perilously close to death, and subsequently coerced into paying a ransom by members of the Cameroon Occupation…
On March 11, 2024, the Cameroon occupation forces perpetrated a devastating act of violence by deliberately setting ablaze numerous residences, commercial establishments, and essential properties critical for the sustenance and livelihoods of civilians in Bafut Village, situated within the jurisdiction…
On the ominous day of January 23, 2021, another distressing incident unfolded in the heart of Ambazonia, specifically in Meta-quarter, located in the Mezam State of Bamenda. This day marked the abduction of 15 innocent individuals, adding to the ever-growing…
On January 22, 2021, a grave incident unfolded in the Bafia region of Fako State, located within the contested territory of Ambazonia, marking yet another dark day in a series of ongoing human rights abuses. Reports emerged of Cameroon occupation…